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How to create wholesale products

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1.Click on the Selling Options tab.

2.Scroll down to the Wholesale Options section and enable the Wholesale Module.

3.Set the Wholesale Quantity Step to the number of units per wholesale package.

4.Set the Wholesale Discount to the percentage of the regular price that should be discounted for wholesale purchases.

5.Click on the Save Changes button.

6.To list a wholesale product, go to the Add Product section on your dashboard.

7.Add the product details, including title, description, price, and image.

8.Scroll down to the Product Data section and click on the Wholesale tab.

9.Here, you can set the wholesale price and minimum quantity for wholesale purchases.

10.Save the product.

11.Customers who purchase the minimum quantity set for wholesale will see the discounted wholesale price on the product page.

That’s it! By following these steps, you can easily list wholesale products and start selling to customers at discounted prices for bulk purchases.

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